A couple weeks ago, the lovely Kary over at
C'est La Vie awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award. This award is given out to anyone who the blogger believes has truly great content. Thanks, Kary, although I'm not sure I agree with that... Ha, ha! ; ) I
would say that about Kary's blog though, so be sure and go check it out!
•Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
•Include a link to their site.
•Include the award image to your post.
•Include the award image on your blog.
•Give 7 random facts about yourself.
•Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award, including links to their sites
•Let those bloggers know they have been nominated
7 Random Facts:
1. I'm trying to learn to crochet (mostly via youtube) because my niece asked me to make her a hat. My Granny taught me how to do a simple chain when I was young, but until now that's all I knew how to do!
2. I love to lick the knife whenever I spread anything... peanut butter, mayo, you name it. But don't worry. I don't stick it back in the container after I've licked it! ; )
3. I am obsessed with Draw Something. I love it! My drawings aren't the best, but I enjoy laughing at them and some of the ones I'm sent by others! ; ) My username is angellarae if you'd like to play.
4. Did you ever see that show on VH1 called Motormouth? People set up their friends by hiding cameras in their cars and taping them singing along to different songs... Well, ever since I saw that show (ages ago), I worry sometimes that one of my friends has hidden a camera in my car. Because I sing ALL THE TIME, usually as loud as I can!
5. I think I've developed a lactose intolerance. They're still running different tests, so we'll see... Luckily they make lactose free ice cream, because I'm not sure how I could survive without milkshakes.
6. I've never had much of a green thumb. So I was really excited when I planted some green bell pepper seeds and they actually grew and began producing peppers. Unfortunately, all my peppers are turning brown, and I have no idea why! : (
7. I've never been a big drinker, so when Matt and I would be going to party where I knew there would be drinking games, I'd stop on the way to grab a 6-pack of Yoo-Hoo. : )
Okay, now I want to learn more about y'all...
I award:
Hope you all have a Happy Wednesday! ; )