Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Lovely Mail Day

Hi guys! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately, but if you've been following me for a while, you're probably used to that! ; )  I'll try to do better though...

So I've decided that at the rate I'm going, I'll never get caught up on all my mail posts. Therefore, I'm going to post some of my favorites from my overdue pile and start afresh.

Here are some of my favorite incoming overdue missives:

And here are a few of my faves from my outgoing pile:

Alright, so I'm all caught up now... Yay! : )  Now I just have to not get behind again. Ha, ha!

I'm going to see Hunger Games tonight (FANGIRL SQUEAL) so I'll try to remember to post a review tomorrow. Hope you all have a great weekend!


  1. I'm soo behind with my mail posts. You are doing so well with keeping up with it. I have one of your but I haven't mailed it yet. SO sorry. Hunger Games eee!

  2. Yay for lovely mail!! I am moving... again!! second time this year, but this time, it's for GOOD reasons :)

    Hope you are doing well my friend.


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